1/2 lb pork ribs
2 Medium carrots, chopped
1 Large leek, trimmed & qtered lengthwise
2 Cloves garlic
1-1/2 tsp saffron filaments
10 black peppercorns
2 tsp salt
Place the turkey legs, pork ribs, carrots, leek and garlic in a large stockpot. Add enough cold water to completely cover the turkey and vegetables and bring to a simmer over moderate heat.
Simmer for 1 hour, then stir in the saffron, peppercorns and salt. Simmer for another 3 hours, skimming occasionally. Remove from the heat and strain the broth into a large container. Cool in an ice bath, cover and refrigerate overnight. Skim the fat from the surface before using. (The broth can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.)
Pull the meat from the turkey legs and pork ribs and reserve. Discard the vegetables cooked in the broth. Yields about 3 quarts or 12 8-ounce servings.
For a traditional cocido, reheat the broth with garbanzo beans, cubed potatoes, cabbage, small pieces of corn on the cob and the deboned turkey on the side. Serve with crusty bread.
Total Calories 110
Calories from Fat 45
Total Fat 5 g
% Daily Total Fat 8
Saturated Fat 1 g
% Daily Saturated Fat 8
Cholesterol 55 g
% Daily Cholesterol 18
Sodium 830 mg
% Daily Sodium 35
Total Carbohydrates 0 g
% Daily Total Carbohydrates 0
Dietary Fiber 0 g
% Daily Dietary Fiber 0
Sugars 0 g
Protein 15 g
% Daily Protein 0
% Daily Vitamin C 0
% Daily Calcium 2
% Daily Iron 6