Soy-Honey Grilled Turkey Tenderloins



2 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce

1 tbsp dry sherry

1 tbsp honey

1 tsp sesame seeds, lightly toasted

1/2 tsp sesame oil

1 Small clove garlic, minced

1 lb TURKEY TENDERLOINS, butterflied



In shallow, flat dish combine soy sauce, sherry, honey, sesame seeds, sesame oil and garlic. Place turkey in mixture, turning to coat thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate 20 minutes.

Prepare grill for direct heat cooking. Grill turkey 5 inches from the heat source for 5 to 6 minutes or until meat thermometer reaches 165 degrees F in thickest part of tenderloin. Turn after one-half of grilling time.

Nutrition Facts

168 Total Calories

3 g Total Fat

16 % Daily Total Fat

59 g Cholesterol

359 mg Sodium

6 g Total Carbohydrates

26 g Protein